I wonder what birds look for when they select a place to nest. My aunt's 9th-storey balcony must have been prime location cos this bird chose it not once, but thrice! Over the past few weeks, i've seen the nest growing in size and the entry hole perfected. Now, its a mass of feathers, twigs and dead leaves all plastered together by nothing but the canary's saliva. So i've never seen the bird but i've seen her architectural talents and i'm SEVERELY impressed. According to the maid and my aunt, she has just laid two eggs in it and is now guarding the nest, head perpertually stuck outside on the lookout. It small, beautiful and yellow...the canary bird...everybody say owwwww

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Dear Liz,
Wow..this is just about the hugest compliment i ever got times eight. thank you so much for your kind words and for taking time off to compose this beautiful entry. i sudddenly feel the need to be as poetic as you are in your letter. Our friendship means a great deal to me and knowing that it is reciprocrated in this manner is out-of-this-world!! I am flattered to be viewed as a passionate individual who lives life to the fullest...i try to live life on my own terms.But many times, i find myself trying to explain to friends and relatives my actions. I've since realised there's really no need to. When we eventually become successful adults, your work, life, relationships and attitude would speak for themselves.
Returning a compliment after you've paid me one would seem almost ingenuine, but you know how i feel about you as one of closest friends. That despite how i can never fully understand the way you think and the trials you've gone through, I respect you for being this non-conformist in this judgemental society, graceful indidvidual who has never, ever spoken a bad word or gossip about anyone. I view that abt you in high esteem. Been so kind and generous to your family and myself..and laughing at all my lamest jokes. You're the compassionate and charitable one.
In retrospect, i've also come to understand and appreciate your views more..while in the past i used to dismiss them without much thought. Let's not get all mushy here.
Insecurities: we all have them. some are founded and others unfounded. in your case, yours are baseless and only you seem to think you're not good enough.thanks again for your honest & heartfelt writing, i can smell the genuinity and its melting me to bits. It's oh-so precious!
*(anything i say seem to take the beauty out of it!)
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