Sixth-Sense and The World's Fastest Animal
I always think animals are extremely intuititive. That if you fear them, they'll sense it and in return become fearful of you- they might attack in such a situation, out of defence. Here, i'm in the cage with a cheetah. She's behaves just like any other domesticated cats. Cheetahs are great-looking animals. They are truly nimble and sleek.

Hi my friend...
I thought maybe you would like to visist my blog one more time... it is changed a lot since you last time that you visit it. and I will be happy to have more of your suggestions about it.
Thanks, Keep in touch.
I want a cheetah too. Tell me how to get one pls.
trowa, if i knew where to get a cheetah, i would have 5 in my home, one of which will live in my room and sleep with me!
having said that, i truly believe they 'll make great pets..
I'm so envious. I'd love to work with animals like that.
They make so much more sense than people, though, I'd likely spend all my time with them, though, and abandon the human race.
I had a pet Cheetah once. But once it ate my younger brother, we had to put it to sleep. What a shame, I loved Snowball the Cheetah.
-The Gman
wow, we have an international audience here, including famous blogger g-man. his link aka is on my blog. shame you put snowball to sleep. hope you gave it a decent burial.
twisted noggin, i dont know exactly how twisted you're, but you sure make a helluva sense- animals make more sense than people. for one, they can't talk :)hey, even the idea of living like a recluse appeals too...hmmm
Hi Friend...
thax 4 leaving that nice c0MMent 0n my bl0g, I really loved it & u made me fEEl g00d... kEEp in t0uch, I h0pe 2 get m0re c0MMents fr0m u...
Hi my Friend...
again thanks for your comment and specially telling me your idea about me and my sis... usually brothers love their sisters very much, but they are boy and they don't show their love easily, but my sis is so much far from me, and I just can't help talking, thinking about her, She is my love...
yours, little boy
>>>>>>>>>> .::SINA::. <<<<<<<<<<
hi sina (?),
i'll definitely visit your you're just a click away ;)
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