Sunday, April 10, 2005


Ok 3 random thoughts before i forget.

Samura, the Movie....(think the Ring 2)
turned out to be a big mistake. I didn't enjoy the movie one bit. It was a replica of the same old tricks used by the same old producer. Tactics that do not shock and awe no more. The Ring 1 (Asian version) was a resounding success in the region but Samura (U.S version, the Ring 2), is an attempt by the producer to marry a Western face to a very Asian type of horror. It just doesn't work this way. The West's idea of horror is quite different from the East. (i can't quite put my finger to it, but it is!) The result was a weird, confused picture. Verdict? Don't waste your money. None of the suspense, terror-gripping factor in the Ring 1 was present in Samura. I still hate horror movies...they're pointless. (we watched it only because it was the only movie slot available at that time).

A Money-Saving Tip

All you big shoppers, ladies and gentlemen and fellow Singaporeans:

Here's a secret i suspect you already know: Kuala Lumpur is a great shopping spot! Back from my recent trip, I almost burst my wallet with my purchases. Now, I'm neither rich nor a big spender but the things in KL were just irresistable. Finally, we can shop where there's alot more style and variety and where prices are truly, truly affordable. You'll find that most of the stuff there cannot actually be found here despite the fact that the 2 countries are so near.) This is provided that you go to the right malls. Try Sungei Wang and One Utama (the equivalent of Takashimaya, Far East Plaza and Heerens' here.)

So my money-saving tip? Save up for a month or two and SPLURGE big-time in KL. You'll be better off for it! e.g I spend about S$400 bucks on a coat, a pair of sequinned jeans, many other tops and countless other brooches. This should put me into non-shopping-mode for the next 3 months. This equates to more savings, of course. (This tip applies to guys too, though i doubt they'll care.)

Writers Do Live For Their Bylines

The article I wrote back in february is out. April issue of Today's Parents. It truly is surreal to see your name in print. I did not read the article because i was so sick of writing it by the time i was done with it. I will be truly bewildered if people actually take time to read the stuff i wrote. I did secretly wish i had wrote for a more hippy, trendy magazine but oh well. Some of my friends wanted to show their support by buying the magazine but i told them not to waste their money. Unless you're 1) a parent 2) expecting a child 3)in the course of family-planning, the magazine will not apply to you! (i wrote about injections and diseases). I bought just two copies, one for my keepsake and admiration (yukes!) the other for Kamahl.

FYI, I just write on a freelance basis. I'm not a journalist and I don't work for any publication. I'm a research executive now ( I know it's confusing) .Ok, that's that. Have a great weekend, wherever you are.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there! Didn't expect you to watch the horror movie! Having said that I fear this genre, I just couldn't believe my luck when I visit your blog, at this hour!! Anyway, I just want to drop you a note. Hope you had a nice weekend. Mine sucks!

Monday, April 11, 2005 2:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, pass me your copy of the mag. I'd have a read.

Monday, April 11, 2005 2:14:00 AM  
Blogger compassioNAT said...


Sounds like u had a chill out weekend alright.

Ring 1 was a great served its purpose, to scare the living daylights out of us. but ring 2 was nothing spectacular..the climbing out of tv, well scenes and graphics just don't cut it anymore. He needs new tricks.

I dun think that was a harsh assessment...rather an honest one.
Horror movies are pointless because most people forget abt it after watching...i dont like romantic movies either.the boy-meets-girl theme is too cheesy and predictable. (Spanglish is not what you would call a typical romance story. it focuses alot on cultural aspects too)

I like movies which gives you a different perspetive. Think Hotel Rwanda, its introduces us to a very different type of horror- and one that is close to our hearts. Civil unrest..

There are movies out there that serves more than it's 2 hours worth of escapism. Although i admit, they are far and few in between.

About the electronics- Singapore actually sells them cheaper than Malaysia. I wouldnt expect it to cost any less!

Hey,you have a good week ahead!


Monday, April 11, 2005 12:42:00 PM  
Blogger compassioNAT said...


Hehe...i must admit i'm surprise to read your comments. (pleasantly surprise i must add!)I really regretted the movie.

yes, i'll pass you the mag tomorrow. there're other issues in the mag you'll be curious about i.e hand foot mouth disease.

have a good day in the office!

Monday, April 11, 2005 12:44:00 PM  
Blogger Neets said...

Wow... must be a great feelin to see your name in print! Congrats! Never mind the kind of mag you wrote for, right now... the good thing is that you wrote and you got to show the world(subscribers and borrowers!) your skills. that way soon you could have a circle of readers who can recognise Nat's writin! Hope to see you writing for a 'hippy, trendy magazine ', soooon! :) What do you research in?

Movie:I had 1st seen The Ring (Eng), then happened to see the Jap vers in HBO with subtitles... I loved it more than the Eng story. I felt the Eng translation had missed out on a lot of points. Horror movies are good- either they r gonna b so stupid that u could sit and blabber funny comments over pop-corn or actually get scared-shit enough not to go to bed. (lol- test how BRAVE u cud b!) They are made 2 evoke a diff aspect of our emotions.
Shopping "This tip applies to guys too, though i doubt they'll care"... I think now a days guys do a loooooooot of shopping enough to fail a woman in a test! Ok- that was exaggeration, but times have changed and so have men... what do the men have to say?

Monday, April 11, 2005 2:24:00 PM  
Blogger compassioNAT said...


You're back! Thank you for your kind words. i wrote for a parents' magazine..can you believe that?? haha..i'm not even married or anywhere close to!

i agree that some things just get 'lost in translation', there are things that just cant be substituted...they miss the point eventually. This also explains why we sometimes don't catch jokes of a foreign culture.

About shopping, maybe it'll apply for metrosexuals (a term i just learnt. It describes a modern man who is fashionable and well groomed, i think.)My boyfriend hates to shop and i just sortta used him as a benchmark. He'll zip in a shop, get what he wants and zip out in no time at all. Geez, they'll never understand the fine art of browsing, trying and selecting...

BTW, i do market research (more qualitative..think focus groups).

Monday, April 11, 2005 7:15:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Am I the only person who thought The Ring (one) was stupid. I was not in the least bit scared. Infact when the little girl came threw the tv I was laughing. Maybe Im just hard to get. I dont know. I usually laugh at those movies.
Nats you are a great writer be proud!
And girl when I seriously shop, move out my way I am a bargain shopper!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 5:26:00 PM  
Blogger compassioNAT said...

Aru- guess guys and gals realy do have very different shopping habits. for us, the whole proecess from the the rack to the counter is enjoyable- this explains the term 'retail therapy'!

whether or not we still feel good post purchase might be a different story altogether.

Hulai, yes, for Ring 2, i couldnt stop laughing at some of the scenes..but i was freaked out with Ring 1 (the asian version) when i first watched it. in any case, i'll choose a good laugh over a good scare anytime!

looks like we got one other thing in common- bargain shopping! it's just so satisfying isnt it?? however, i also dont mind paying more for things that last longer :)

Thursday, April 14, 2005 10:21:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

When it comes to shoes I will pay some money. I am addicted to my sketchers. I will pay for those. But I still love finding them on sale. Im also addicted to high heels. And accessories are my thing. I love all kinds of accessories!

Thursday, April 14, 2005 1:58:00 PM  
Blogger vevck said...

Hi Nat!

Good to know that you are enjoying
your work and also that great shopping experience of in KL.

Congrats!!! on getting your article published on the Mag. All your articles on the blog are well written, so it's no surprise for me that you have one on the Mag which reaches wider audience.

As far as the comment on your boyfriend's shopping is concerned it applies to most of the guys. We know what we want to buy, so we just go to a mall/shop, buy them and walk out. Rather than spending hours deciding on whether to buy or not;).

Thursday, April 14, 2005 5:38:00 PM  
Blogger compassioNAT said...

Hey Vevck,
so i see you're reconnected!good :)

hope work has been good. checked out your blog earlier. you sound busy. take time to blast on your blog..i'm sure you'll.

have a good weekend,

Friday, April 15, 2005 6:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sungei Wang is a dirty place. I don't like it at all. btw, I'm Malaysian.

Monday, April 18, 2005 10:38:00 PM  
Blogger compassioNAT said...

hi anonymous,

i wouldnt go as far as calling it a dirty place.. it's still an indoor, air-conditioned mall so that's ALOT better than those street stalls lined with litter.(the night markets)

sungei wang may not be the newest mall around but it's still relatively comfortable. if hygiene was a concern in the mall, i certainly wouldnt have reccomended it. i've paranoid bout things like that!

Monday, April 18, 2005 11:53:00 PM  
Blogger vevck said...

Thanks! for dropping by. Seems like u are very busy with your work these days.

Njoi work & have fun.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 4:50:00 PM  
Blogger compassioNAT said...

Oh is getting busy. Lesser time to blog and visit others' blogs..

you take care and thanks for popping by


Thursday, April 21, 2005 2:50:00 PM  

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