Monday, April 18, 2005

The Apprentice & Donald Trump

Nobody I know likes to admit they watch reality TV (even if they DO watch, in secret). Reality programs are considered the lowest of low TV, promoting undesirable traits and showcasing the worst of human behaviour. What's more, they make entertainment out of people's misery...the ugly list goes on.

While this is true of most reality programs, I can't say the same for the Apprentice and The Amazing Race, both of which i follow with a passion. Of course I will never say that I watch the Apprentice for the bitchy tiffs and back-stabbing (gasp!that would have been unforgivable!) rather, I'll say I watch the program for the man the contestants are all dying to impress- Donald Trump.

For someone with so little hair, he sure has alot of personality and ego (possibly larger than his empire). Unemotional and firm, he can make a decision in a split second..and say "You're fired" in the straightest of faces. I love that. I'm not going to lie..I admire that sort of no-nonsense-no-regrets decisiveness, something I'm absolutely incapable of. With him, you never quite know what to expect -and that is key to making The Apprentice an entertaining program.

A normal run of The Apprentice typically consists of an interesting challenge, a mind-blowing reward and a showdown in the boardroom. Sounds Delicious? You bet. Yes, there is alot of bickering but on the good side, we get to see how some these fiesty participants defend themselves, how to lead a team and how NOT to be like those snakes who take credit for other people's work. Personally, I think it's a great program with a great concept. I also root for some of the contestants...the ones I think are nice and competent.

So, the next time you see the show on air, dont rush to flip the channel- watch on and then tell us what you think (if you aren't secretly watching already...:)


Blogger Unknown said...

I dont watch. I will turn it on sometimes though just to see the "your fired" part. Cracks me up. Oh and why does his hair never move????

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 3:37:00 PM  
Blogger vevck said...

I like 'The Amazing Race' though, it's fun. Race 7 is presently being aired on AXN.

I have never watched any other reality shows, there are few of them on Indian TV screens too, which sucks bigtime.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 4:55:00 PM  
Blogger compassioNAT said...

wow, you guys are fast. i posted this barely an hour ago!

hulai, about his hair, ya konw that's a curious question. I think he's either 1)wearing a wig or 2)wearing loads of gel. it's a much talk-about topic btw.

VIV, Yes i love watching amazing race..gets me all up and excited.
dont know about indian reality TV...singapore tried to copy some too..but eh, it's mostly so-so or below average. definitely not as glam (in terms of set-up and props) as the western ones.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 6:25:00 PM  
Blogger compassioNAT said...


How are you?

Looks like we have quite a few Amazing Race fans here. Last night, i just watched an episode...where they were in India. They were so stressed up! India is fascinating..especially its people. they make do with so little and yet are always so cheerful and willing to help...they cheered so hard for the contestants, it warms your heart.

(Funny how i was focusing on the apprentice and i somehow got so carried away with amazing race..)

Thursday, April 21, 2005 9:52:00 AM  
Blogger compassioNAT said...

Chris, looks like we logged on the same time!i was replying to Aru and suddenly popped, yours comes on when i refreshed the screen.

Yes. RESPECT goes to the man who picks himself up after a bad fall. Survival of the fittest- this is one of the traits i admire most about him. His shrewdness in the corporate world coupled with determination...potent combination!

Have a great day at work :)

Thursday, April 21, 2005 9:58:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Trumps hair is just so damn bad its crazy!
I am an Amazing Race addict too! Have been since the first season! I wanna do that show! Would be so fun!
I love American Idol. But I have gotten pretty good at predicting the bottom three every week and whose gonna go home! Just pay attention to Simon and you can figure it out! Dont you just wanna hit Paula sometimes though??? I mean when they suck shes still telling them that they are great! What!!!????? Im sorry but if you suck go home!

Thursday, April 21, 2005 1:47:00 PM  
Blogger compassioNAT said...

Haha...i wanna hit paula too!yes, she's too nice to be an objective judge. simon on the other hand is spot on..he always manages to sum things up in a few words. he's a great judge.i personally think he's the best idol judge...the most influential one too, as Hulai testified.

unfortunately these days, i dont get home early enough to catch the program so i havent been followin too closely.BTW Singapore Idol kindda sucks big time.

Thursday, April 21, 2005 4:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you're cute. ^.^

Thursday, April 21, 2005 5:31:00 PM  
Blogger compassioNAT said...

hey eater,thanks...i think so too ;)

Friday, April 22, 2005 3:48:00 PM  
Blogger Melissa Muldoon said...

Hi Nat, I have to say I am a fan of the Apprentice, too. But, for such an incredibly smart group of contestants, they don't seem to come up with the brightest of marketing ideas! Of course, sitting on my cozy bed watching the show, I always think that even I could have come up with something more creative that The Donald would find more interesting, than those participating on the show!!!
; )

But, seriously what is the attraction with reality shows? I admit that I sneak a peek at a couple of them... I have to say even my three young boys are drawn to these shows!!!! Shows like, "Bachelorette" and the show where they build a house every week for some deserving family... I guess we have a weird fascination to see how people behave, how they dress and how they act, act that is, without a script!

Monday, April 25, 2005 11:46:00 PM  

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