because variety is the spice of life. Even in the most mundane of jobs, we can find variety by exploring different ways to get the same thing done. There can be variety in routines too. Read books you never thought you'll read. Go places you never thought you'll go. Be experimental. I was like that before, I may have lost some of that, sucked into the hum drum of life and trying to fit into norms. I realised people should just live according to their own terms because at the end of the day, you're only answerable to God and yourself.
Live once, live well.
Live once, live well.
Very well said!
Well my moto towards life is "You have one Life, live it to the Max!".
Thank you Melissa. You're an example of someone who welcomes variety into your life.This is written with you in mind. How you live your life is inspiring.
Chris, i think you described yourself pretty well. I believe in working smart, not hard.
Sometimes being unconventional cause us to be an 'outcast' within our circles and that is hard. I've seen how some people try to do things differently and it backfires quite badly- even if it's the right thing.Sad but true.
Viv,What can i say....Remember Jon Bon Jovi's song, 'it's my life.'?
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That's a great song!. Cool Lyrics.
Sometimes being unconventional may backfire, but that shouldn't be the reason to give up.
Yes, that's no reason to give up.
Good evening Jack,
I feel honoured to have someone as accomplished as you leave your footprints on my blog.
You, and Melissa, are two classic examples of people who've welcome changes and pushed your own limits, mental and physical.You make great role models.
Good point about being comfortable in your own skin.I think so many people from my generation struggle with their identity- me included, at times.
Have a good day Jack, am glad we started our correspondence.
You know I have lived routinely for so long I dont know how to be spontaneous anymore. But I am working on that!
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