Watching the 2- hour season finale of the Amazing Race last night, I've lost count of the number of times my heart almost leapt out of my chest. The race to the finish was nothing short of nail-breaking, hair-pulling excitement. I was yelling so loud my father came into my room asking me to please shut up.How could I? I wanted so much for the Agus (the black couple) to win. They had done everything right and faced all challenges with optimism and good attitude. How could anyone not root for them? In an earlier episode, Joyce even made the ultimate sacrifice, to shave off her crowning glory of long locks! No kidding!Till the very last leg of the race, a short distance from the finishing line (and a million dollars), they still had the presence of mind to think about paying the cab driver his due fare. They are such nice, decent people..so unlike Rob and Amber. (Rob maybe smart, but he is so ill-mannered and crude.) So anyway, I really felt very satisfied that they've won. I am so inspired by them and their love for each other. They're deserving winners, having fought (and begged) so hard...
Oh I would sooo love to do that show!
Chris...hope i didnt kill the surprise for ya. by telling you who won the A.R.
About Apprentice..my bet is on Kelly b/c personally i do not like jennifer..she was the snake i was referring to- stealing credit and all. But then again, she's proven time and again that she's extremely competitive in the boardroom..i think largely because she's an attorney and is therefore, very very articulate.
But talent and creativity? she's not outstanding in those areas...well what say you?
Hulai, you know i would sooo love to do that show too. but i wonder if i can survive that kind of stress..its tremendous.i think it'll help if you've a grwat partner who gets along really well with you. the right partner can make or break the show.
You are sooo right! You have to have the right connection with your partner otherwise its not gonna work! That was so the couple I wanted to win!
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