Home of Thoughts.
Bear with me if you would,
Dwell into my mind if you could,
I just want to be understood.
~'The opposite of love is not hate.It is indifference'~
I feel so honored that some of these pictures have moved you in such a way. Hulai, everytime i get on a plane, I get this overwhelming feeling that i'm so small.Like i'm some rag doll next to the giant craft. I get so emotional i can't even explain it!
Jack, HongKong really is an exciting place. There's always something to see, to do..to buy. In a lot of ways, the city does exude alot of the optimism that you feel.I certainly felt it.
ahhh i like plane views the world looks like some big toy!!!!
Yes, Hulai..long time no see! There's nothing quite like being in the sky. What a feeling...
I love how it makes me feel so small in a world that is so big that you could get lost in it.....
Hi Jack and Hulai,
I feel so honored that some of these pictures have moved you in such a way. Hulai, everytime i get on a plane, I get this overwhelming feeling that i'm so small.Like i'm some rag doll next to the giant craft. I get so emotional i can't even explain it!
Jack, HongKong really is an exciting place. There's always something to see, to do..to buy. In a lot of ways, the city does exude alot of the optimism that you feel.I certainly felt it.
Its good to hear you had fun in HK, I know I did when I went in April, the architecture it amazing!
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