Just 15 min walk away from my office, an area is very alive and buzzing with nightlife- Clarke Quay. Here is a picture I snapped while waiting for a friend. I love the fact that admist all that crazy action, lies a little river, quiet and uninterrupted- and all that, at my backyard.Right by the river area, people find spots to plant themselves. What is it about water, that is so alluring? Forget this little river for a while, just the mere mention of a word like ocean, sea, waterfall or oasis conjures an image of a little piece of paradise. I am the least romantic person in the world, but I find myself quite liking the idea of being near some kind of water.
I have a rather similar photo taken when I was an intern with saffron. But it was taken in the day. I'm very much in love with the 15-20 mins walk to Singapore River. Don't Fullerton Hotel looks amazing? =)
Believe it or not it has been proven that most humans would prefer to live next to some body of water. We are also one of the only animals that return to the water, as most mammals don't. Perhaps that explains why many cities are built near or on water. New York is built on a two islands and the state of New York that borders the Atlantic and has two rivers: The hudson, and the east. Paris is built on a the river seine which flows right through the city, seperating it into two sides.
R u a cancerian by any chance?
Ah, talk abut water.....the first and last place I want to be when I'm down (say 100ft under ;-) ) and depressed, the first place I visit is the sea shore.....a calm evening by the sea, the waves lapping at my feet, cool breeze, is all I need to be rejunevated.....
Is it because, the first living being actually formed inside the water???
Yes, Tristan, Fullerton is looking grand.
@ S.C, I subscribe to the idea that being near water is very instinctive behaviour. Water symbolizes life and survival. Maybe i'm re-connecting with my roots, my ancestors haha.
Going abit off here, the deep blue also holds alot of secrets. Some of the least known places in the world are our oceans. (hopefully, they remain undiscovered, hidden treasures- you know what man is fully capable of)
@ Phantom, I'm not Cancerian. I don't entirely buy into the idea of horoscope. (although, incidentally, i belong to one of the water elements :)
@ Chris, you never told me you joined the navy before. I ever remotely considered that...never did get down to it.
Yes, I've been so caught up with work. I'm meeting alot of people and I really enjoy seeing my work come together..very rewarding. But it's also breaking me into pieces. Not exaggerating!
For me, the idea of horoscope is intriguing.....So how do we check? by observations? probably.. Therefore, I really tend to see how much people actually relate to their signs.....Some have been true, some have been false.....So, still, I'm in search ;-)
Well, in my case, I'm no cancerian too...but still love the water though :-)
Shd probably hire a "Bone Collector" to collect the pieces, I guess *hehehe*
Have fun @ work and take care!!!
Ah-a! Ravi jumping up and down trying to catch attention with the line: " Me been there, me been there! "
Ravi *sighing* and asking: Which part of Singapore is not nice?
Ravi *crying* now.....sniff, sniff!
As a matter of fact, phantom, there are 3 possible water signs- piscean, cancerian and scorpion!
How's work for you lately? I've been so out of touch recently. Miss blogging so much..not much time really.
Ravi, you've been to Boat Quay! Glad you like it here...do visit again.
Bad....two days to go and just swamped with work, trying to finish all pending works before I take a vacation next week....Well, still waiting for my appraisal results(its actually for a promotion) and to think of days beyond sep 26 gives me nightmares already. Thats the day I'm reporting back to work ;-)
I guess you need to take break from your work and visit few blogs more often;). Wats happeing?
Enjoy u'r weekend.
hey nat! i haven't been back to your site for a while so as i was about to go blog hopping again, i thot i'd stop by and leave you a comment... hahaha, that's when i realised that it'd prob go unnoticed since so many of your friends leave comments too... anyway, i like that pic! i mean, it's like one of singapore's more breathtaking sights and it has been taken by sooo many pple already, but somehow when you take it it's nicer than getting it off the net right? hahaha... oh and i wanna say that that's really close to my mom's workplace! heh, that's about it... it's 2am here and i should get some sleep. tata!
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