google it!
I've been exploring the world recently..on Google Earth. If you havent already heard about it, it's this amazing site when you can see literally every corner of the world in stunning 3D satellite images. Go to, download the set up and you're good to go. You'll bascially see something like the pic on the top left. Search for any location in the world and you'll get an aerial view...go closer, and you can rotate the picture to get a 360 degree view. The images are truly spectacular. It's humbling to see how small we all are in the grand scheme of things.
While i'm really flabbbergasted by this great technology, there has been a lot of negative publicity about it, mainly because of security issues it poses. Many are speculating that the site will be close soon. My guess is that it won't be around for too long. I hope I'm wrong..but in the meantime, happy exploring!
Yes, I heard about this. They think that terrorists will look at certain areas and come up with stratagies to bomb it or something. I guess the fear is justifiable but I'm sure that it's just really cool to see everywhere from such a view.
That indeed can be very humbling. Its quite incredible once you face that realization that the world is infact so much bigger than just what you see every day!
Hi ladies!
I guess the fears are pretty valid. Sadly though, because of a few bad eggs, the rest of the population may not get to enjoy this great feature much longer.
About your comment Hulai, doesn't it make you feel like we're just a dot in a dot in a bigger dot???
Very nice to hear from the both of you..
Hey Nat!
Howz it going? It has been long time since i visited your blog. Google Earth is an amazing piece of software from Google.
As u have said that it poses a serious security concern for any country. It might be true, but that reason holds good for any technology. Anything can be used or abused, it all depends on the end user's motive.
BTW there are some Air bases & Navy dock yards of Indian Military which can be easily accessed by anyone with an internet connection & google earth. There was so much hue & cry about this from the Indian media last month.
This what C Uday Bhaskar, the deputy head of the Institute of Defence Studies and Analyses, a military think tank based in New Delhi had to say about it,"I don't think it poses a security threat".
"Satellite pictures are available commercially these days for a price. We have to realise that this is part of technology enabling characteristics of the present times," he said.
"This is the reality and we have to deal with it."
You cld read here over here,curpg-1,fright-0,right-0.cms
Google just keeps throwing more and more amazing software at us....for free!
Hi Viv and S.C.
That is the hefty price of technology i guess. As much as it enriches us and our lives, it also poses many new problems. It's hard to decide which is better, to enjoy the technology and live with the consequences or not have the internet and not have these 'new-age' problems. I'm never a tech-savvy sort of person, but i can't imagine the hassle of not being able to email now that i've tried it.
Speaking of email, Static Compost, the other great feature that Google offered is Gmail!
Oh I tell you every day I am reminded of the fact that when I feel like everything is too much I am just a small spot in this world. I can control way too little and feel as if I may become a lost dot on the map at some point. But the people I deal with day to day help me alot to realize that so much more could be wrong in my life and that I should do what I can to make the whole a better place in my little dot on the map!
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