fuzzy logic 2- the art of sign language

Thanks for all your fucking candid responses to fuzzy logic 1. This goes to show that people who read compassionat are all really 1) sophisticated, 2) funny and 3) selective with their reading materials- indeed all of you will most certainly have a bright future ahead.
People may not be good spellers but they are very creative with vulgar words. just think of the word 'fuck' objectively, i know it's hard but just try- there's the person 'fucker', the adverb 'fucked up' the adjective 'unfuckinglybelievable' - and that's just one word we're talking about. i'm sure if you really crack your head, you'll find one other vulgarity you can do the same to. The next person i talk about bring profanities to a new league and you'll love her for that. I'm sure we've all had friends whom we never had to exchange a word and still feel we are really one and the same--by virtue of osmosis, you effectively read each others' thoughts. The fucking ties that bind.
Mitch (her fake ID so as not to ruin her life) and I have really this weird vibe going. She doesnt talk too much. when word fails her, as they always seem to, she use 'gestures' on me- just to name a few that I've been subjected to-- this includes the 'Up Yours', 'Rise of the Third Finger', 'CB' (don't ask me to explain that, i'll have to shut this down) and some other crude ones we should broadly classify as 'Unmentionables'. So we don't talk too much-- we just use the space between us-- to gestulate profanities at each other. It's like vulgar kungfu and we invent so many new moves Bruce Lee would pay to learn from us. It's very useful because it disarms your opponent without you needing to lose a strand of hair.
Mitch also gestulates at non-living things such as her PC. when she thinks I'm not watching, i'm actually eyeing her from the corner of my eye and i see her giving the PC the 'Rise of the Third Finger' and 'CB'--i always break out laughing when i see her doing that. i think that she has effectively reached the point of no return. Of course, publicly, she's a sweet angel--the one with the doe-eyes who would never kill a fly. Never in a million years will Mitch perform her stunts infront of anyone else. How could she....people will accuse her mother of doing a bad job bringing her up. Tis is socially unacceptable! or the all-time fave- you're a GIRL! But Mitch is really just being herself. She is a small man trapped in a small girl. People should just accept her-alot of warts and all.
(Mitch knows that i've blogged about her and thanked me for glorifying her.)
you are so funny!! i too give the computer the finger! what can i say it just fucking pisses me off sometimes!!! haha
Hmm ... non-verbal profanities. I like this approach because it clearly and unquestionably gets the point across! Way to go, Mitch! Can share with me some of the 'unmentionables' ;-)
Mitch here....
I'll let the space above speak for itself.Cheersafuckyounat!
* third finger up, cb down*
haha hulai kill me!you've also reached the point of no return!
mr chinese character, the unmentionables should stay as the unmentionables. You can't handle the the Unmentionables!
and my dear Mitch (actaully it rhymes with Bitch) --you're the kanasaikanebu mitch. i've told you repeatedly i'm not gay-although i can understand what a crazy infatuation obssession you have with me. I saw you kissing the ground i walked on the other day....you're beginning to worry me
Nat! I reached the point of no return a long time ago! I dont think I would ever want to go back! Normal sucks!
I've the honour of experiencing Mitch's 'gestures' first hand today. Appalled? Embarrassed? No, it just left me speechless! She was so eloquent, vivid and expressive! Hey, but it may be good to verbalise it sometimes ... excellent for the lungs!
haha hulai, to be normal is to be safe which is to be BORING! yawnz...who wants that? moving in the right direction positively!
mr chinese character- maybe if mitch were less expressive with her hands, she could be better with the speech- her profound gestures is a manifestation of her lack of speech ability- whatever that means.
this one is hilarious..a good read to shoo away Monday blues..thanks Nat :)
Hey Nat,
This is something I got in the mail.
There are only eleven times in history where the "F" word has
been considered acceptable for use.
They are as follows:
11. "What the @#$% do you mean, we are sinking?" -- Capt. E.J. Smith of RMS Titanic, 1912
10. "What the @#$% was that?" -- Mayor Of Hiroshima, 1945
9. "Where did all those @#$%ing Indians come from?" -- Custer, 1877
8. "Any @#$%ing idiot could understand that." -- Einstein, 1938
7. "It does so @#$%ing look like her!" -- Picasso, 1926
6. "How the
@#$% did you work that out?" -- Pythagoras, 126 BC
5. "You want WHAT on the @#$%ing ceiling?" -- Michelangelo, 1566
4. "Where the @#$% are we?" -- Amelia Earhart, 1937
3. "Scattered @#$%ing showers, my ass!" -- Noah, 4314 BC
2. "Aw c'mon. Who the @#$% is going to find out?" -- Bill Clinton, 1998
and a drum roll please............!
1. "Geez, I didn't think they'd get this @%#*^ing mad."
-- Saddam Hussein, 2003
damn Im moving in the right direction! Ive got a fucking herd of cows following me too!!! MOOOOO!!!!!!!!
wooooookie! you're hilarious. i personally like no. 1, 8 and 11- If only Einstein were still alive, he'll make a cool friend.
well done hulai! let the fucking shephard of a hulai lead the way!
make way people!
Hi Nat, how's life? Its really great to see you blogging again and that you're back to your chirpy self!
Looks like you've St. Gab started blogging! Thumbs up, girl!
St Gab, at any time you happen to read this, I just want you to know that I had wanted to post a comment on your blog, which only allows bloggers (and I'm not!) - keep it going, I have my eyes on you (your blog, I mean!)
And Mitch, drop the facade; I'm curious to find out what goes on behind the mask you've been wearing... you always surprise me. Nat, you too! It has been great pleasure knowing both of you! I've offered to take the seat you left and no, I'm not going to kiss the ground you walked on, nor the seat!
See ya!
By the way, what happened to the pictures of us, on your blog?
oh Hazel! it's great to hear from you again. How are you and little rascal? Glad to hear you've taken up that space- i hope you're not subjected to Mitches' lovely gestures of affection. when she gives you the middle finger, she really just wants to tell you she fucking loves you.
About the pictures- i thought i'll remove them since i've started colouring my blog with vulgarities- maybe it's not great to associate you people with a vulgar blogger- so there.....awwwww it's so fucking thoughtful of me isnt it? that's the honest truth.
all the best hazey not ditzy dazzy!
Help people have started roping the fucking cows!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH
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