I've never agreed with the concept of hiring maids. To me, it's not much different from legalised slavery. The maid leaves home to a faraway place only to come to a foreign land where she has few or no friends. Her salary is small and most of the money is remitted home or paid to the agent who brought her here. Often, they are separated from their own kids and suffering from homesickness. In short, it's a sad existence. Some of them do establish a better life for themselves here (largely depending on how good or bad her employer treats her) but for the most part, they're lonely, earn little and work long hours.
Unfortunately, hiring maids has become a very common practice here. In most homes where there are young kids, you'll usually find a maid, sometimes even two. Parents basically spend most of their time working, earning a living. Parenting takes a toll and is often left to the maids to take care of, on top of her cleaning and cooking duties. Unlike babysitters in the U.S, the maids here are hired on a full-time basis and live in with their employers.
It has come to light recently that some employers are installing video cameras in their homes to check on what their maids are up to while they're away at work. Employers here rationalise that it's the right thing to do, saying that's it better to be safe than sorry. What a ridiculous comment. If you'll rather be safe than sorry, why even bother with a maid? Why not just look after them yourself or get your parents, in-laws to help out? By installing a camera, you're blantantly telling the maid you DON'T trust her! It's no different from pointing a camera at an employee in the office. You invade her privacy and worse, you send a clear message that you don't trust the lady who looks after your kids. This is wrong on so many levels.
Maids take care of their employer's kids. If parents must hire them, they might as well treat them well so that they in turn, treat the kids well. Give them their once-a-week break, decent lodging and let them eat with the family, not the left-overs. Also, I've witnessed so many incidents of kids yelling at their maids, I'm embarassed. Kids ape their parents and I'm pretty sure they picked up such bad behaviour from the very people who were supposed to their role models. What an utter shame.