Saturday, January 21, 2006

what do you do...

when your bosses ask you to do a presentation on blogging? It's what our company calls 'knowledge sharing session' and that's what it is exactly. We are 'ranodmly' selected to present on a topic given to us. While its an open secret that I keep a blog, I haven't exactly shared with any of my colleagues about my special site. All except for one. She should feel so lucky. I like this space to be private, but yet public, do you know what I mean?

Back to the presentation again- I've some ideas floating in my head about what to say and all that but I would really welcome some ingenious ideas from the rest of you bloggerheads.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Loving well

" I've always loved her alot although I didn't always love her well."

- Bill Clinton on Hillary (on the Oprah Winfrey show)

What a statement. How many of us know what Bill Clinton is talking about? I'm so guilty.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Bye Bye BHDs.

My hair is finally starting to look like its former self after all that hair mishaps of 2004. Yes, it took one year, the whole of 2005, to reverse all my stupid hair mistakes. One year of cap-wearing and pony tails to playdown one too many bad hair days. Doesn't help that for almost the whole of 2005, I was reminded of all my hair disasters everytime I look into the mirror. Too bad, I wasnt born a guy or I might just go bald. :-)

Pre-2004, I've always kept very long hair. It's just one of those things- you had a bad tomboy cut when you were 12 and swear never again to go down that road. That changed in 2004 when I decided to do something radical- change what I thought had become such an inherent part of me. Feeling brave, I had gone for a haircut and when I thought it wasn't short enough, I hit the salon again. My friends thought I was going nuts. This time, I chopped it just below the ears. That is ALOT of hair to cut. (It's 2006 now and I still don't know what I was thinking then.)

I grew more and more adventurous with my hair-experimenting. Soon after, I dyed it reddish-brown, changed my mind in a month or two, and dyed it brown. Somehow it came out very uneven (DIY disaster) and turned somewhat blond after a few washes. (I actually have a picture here. Funny I didn't burn it.) I hated it. When it started to grew out abit, my friend recommended me to this artsy-fartsy (more fartsy, really)hairdresser. He layered my hair so zealousy, I had nothing much left by the time I left the salon. I walked out pretty devastated.

To disguise the lousy cut, I decided to experiment with curls. So I did the perm thing. It was all nice and dandy at first. I liked the carefree curls. But that too did not last. In about 3 days, my hair was back to its natural poker straight again. By then, the damage was done. My once shiny head of glory became nothing more than a bunch of parched grass. Yes, it was a series of bad hair decisions and there was nothing more that I could do then to look back at old photos where my hair was once glossier and shinier...nothing more to do but to wait ..wait and wait some more.

One year and lots of conditioning later, my hair is finally starting to look less like parched grass. I think for now, I'm quite happy to just leave it alone.

(Your hair must have grown another inch in the time that you took to read this. Thanks for indulging me. I never knew I had this much to talk about, of all things, hair!)