Monday, August 22, 2005

candle in the wind- a tribute to Amanda

I often wonder about the lives of fellow bloggers. How do they look like? What do they do? Will we ever meet? And when we do, would we have things to talk about just like the lively interactions we have on our blogs?

Now I'll never know what it is like to meet Amanda, a fellow blogger who recently passed on from a car accident. Amanda, who only sometime ago, was vivaciously alive and blogging about lipsticks and mini-skirts. This must be some cruel joke right? I may not know her personally nor am I in that position to offer words of comfort to her family and friends but this piece of news still pricks and I feel undoubtedly, a sense of loss.

After reading this, we'll return to our daily grind. We'll turn up for work, meet up with friends and attend to all of life's demands. Slowly but surely, news of her passing will fade. It takes a death to knocks some sense into us and to remember to live well today and take ourselves a little less seriously. Afterall, it does not seem to take much to snuff the life out of a candle.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Lacking the om factor!

After 3 years of contemplation (more like procastination) I finally hit the mat and tried the much- talked- about yoga. A colleague and I had originally signed up for a fusion dance class, but it was cancelled at the last minute. Not wanting to waste the trip, we settled for the next available slot for multi-level yoga (read 'advanced yoga').

How is it that people make yoga look so easy? The yoga master could have reached nirvana and I would have believed it. Hailing from India, he is a strong man with a short stature. During the one hour lesson, he taught us to do 'stunts' like 'topsy turvy' and 'sun salutation'.

To do topsy turvy, we had to lie on our mats, raise our legs as high as possible and then use our arms to support our back as our legs hang (straight!) in the air. Obviously, to do this, you need very strong arms. Sensing my inexperience, the master walks over to me and used his one arm to lift my two legs high.

'Use some strength girl, use your arms!' he barks before lifting me even higher, like I was some feather. And he holds me in this uncomfortable position waiting for me to gather strength in my arms. 'Now relax and use your arms!' he barks again as I shuffle around trying to find some balance... I don't find any. As he looks down at me, I say, half-giggling 'I can't do it. I am going to fall!' Sensing how hopeless I was, he finally freed my legs, shook his head and walked to the next struggling disciple. I return to lying down lazily on the mat again.

Then came 'sun salutation'. There was no sun to speak of seeing how it was evening time and we were indoors. We just simply posture ourselves so that it looks like we're receiving the sun :). That was easy. The master didn't need to bark at me for that. But he consistently looked in my direction. The weakest link was easy to spot. And so I go through the rest of the lesson like that, red-faced and smiling rather stupidly. Didn't help that the lady in purple beside me was such a pro. Her face was always so screwed up with intensity and concentration.

I can't say my first attempt at yoga was a breeze. (Far from it!) Nor can I say I have done much justice to yoga and its practitioners. To begin with, I was in the wrong class and very ill-prepared. But I did enjoy myself tremendously during the class. All that stretching and flexing did me some good. I was a bag of loose bones afterwards but it was good while it lasted. What I do know now is that the next time I try yoga, I'll definitely save myself some embarassment and sign up at the beginners level.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

National day today also marks the end of my four-day long break. It is not a particularly rosy break since I am feeling quite bugged by work. Could have been worse if not for my supportive boyfriend. (Bless you, Kamahl!) My workload is not particularly heavy. It's manageable. It's the work itself I find harder to manage- deadlines, reports and my boss's expectations. Funny how work haunts you even when you're suppose to be having a mental retreat. Work stress becomes real suddenly when it was once obsure. And I am constantly surprise at how I've handled myself, for better and for worse.

The coming week will be tough going...I predict burnt weekends (meaning weekends in the office) and maybe even a couple of lectures. I'm trying to psyche myself up. Most of the time, once I get going, work is not as difficult as I deem it to be. This is one precious lesson I'll keep relearning. And then I tell myself for the umpteenth time,
one more week to more week to go...

Is this a familiar feeling? (Or is it just me..) How do you handle it?

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

oh harry!

(This entry does not discuss the contents of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. And for the benefit of those who have yet to finish the book, please do not spoil our surprise by revealing anything remotely associated to JK Rowling's latest book ;) We are so dying to find out, ourselves!)

I'm a very pissed girl these days. Pissed because I have been deprived of my latest harry potter book- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I was reading it halfway when my brother decided to loan it to his girlfriend! That really sucked big time on two counts- 1) I can't read it now that I have no access to it 2) My brother thinks his girlfriend is more important than his own blood and kin! Having said that, I must confess that the book belongs to him and he is free to choose whomever he wants to loan it to. (Knowing that does not change the fact that it sucks).

I'm sorry to complain about something as trivial as this (comparing this to the grand scheme of the world and its endless problems) but any potter fan worth his/her salt will feel the same frustrations as I did. I had planned to read it every evening after work and while commuting to work. So now that it's no longer with me, everything else has fallen short of that kind of entertainment Harry Potter does for me. And that feeling, frankly, sucks.

The phenomenon that is Harry Potter has truly taken the world by storm. Just look at the fuss created from its launch and how JK Rowling goes about making her millions in that one weekend the book was launched (on top of that millions already earned from her previous potter titles). Her wild success extends beyond those thick profit lines...just look at what pottermania has done to me! I'm planning my schedule around it, screaming at my brother for sneaking that book out of my room and now, I have the cheek to blog about this...I'm practically obsessed. (I own all the previous five titles and the movie collection. I'm just short of dressing up as a witch and zooming around in a Nimbus broom playing Quidditch.)

As I was just commenting on Janet's blog, I too wonder aloud what it is about Harry that has so captured our hearts and imagination, leaving us all spellbound (literally) and craving for more. Oh harry, if only you were not make-believe, you would know just how special you are!